Agreement reached between EvenFi and CRIF for access to EURISC, the Credit Information System (SIC) managed by CRIF: greater security in the creditworthiness assessment of investors and eligible companies

We are proud to announce that EvenFi has signed a strategic partnership with CRIF, a leader in credit management solutions that manages the Credit Information System (SIC) called EURISC. This partnership translates into greater security for investors in the assessment and management of credit risk, through the analysis of the reliability and punctuality of counterpart payments. Here are the new developments of this agreement on credit management and EvenFi's credit behavior verification:

  1. Sharing data with CRIF: through this collaboration, EvenFi will share data on the financing granted to client companies with CRIF. This will enable EvenFi to make informed and secure investment decisions, having access to detailed information on the credit performance of companies.
  2. Impact of reports on the CRIF Credit Information System: The SIC collects and shares payment trends relating to business and consumer credit relationships with SIC participants (banks, financial institutions, credit institutions), whether regular or irregular.
  3. Payment trend analysis and creditworthiness assessment: the collaboration with CRIF allows EvenFi to have visibility on the credit history of companies that are applying for financing and to evaluate their creditworthiness.
  4. Safeguarding investor interests: the ability to access CRIF's SIC allows EvenFi to carefully evaluate the projects to be financed, ensuring the interest of the investors.

This partnership strengthens our goal to create a safe and advantageous investment environment for everyone.