How to create a successful crowdfunding campaign with EvenFi: Your complete guide

Crowdfunding has revolutionised the way innovative ideas and projects are funded. Thanks to the power of online platforms, anyone can raise capital from a large community of supporters.

EvenFi: Your partner for successful crowdfunding

EvenFi, the first Italian crowdfunding platform authorised at the European level, offers a complete solution for creating and managing successful campaigns. With its innovative technology, expert team, and extensive network of investors, EvenFi helps you reach your fundraising goals and bring your project to life.

Steps to create a successful crowdfunding campaign:

Define your objectives and your project

Establishing a clear goal before launching a participatory fundraising campaign is essential to precisely define the financial goal you want to reach. This stage requires thorough evaluation and planning by the project organiser to identify the financial resources necessary for its completion. It is necessary to calculate all expected expenses, which can include materials, labor, production, marketing, and fees imposed by the crowdfunding platform used. The chosen goal must be realistic, tangible, and capable of sparking interest.

Choose the right crowdfunding platform

The selection of a suitable platform is crucial for the effective launch of a crowdfunding campaign. There is a variety of platforms to choose from, and it is important to select the most suitable for the project. 

EvenFi: EvenFi is the ideal platform for Italian SMEs seeking to raise capital for innovative growth projects.

Manage post-crowdfunding

After reaching the goal or the conclusion of the campaign, management must continue, ensuring delivery of what was promised and maintaining commitments made to supporters.

The challenges of crowdfunding alone

Creating and managing a successful crowdfunding campaign can be challenging. Some of the most common challenges include:

  • Reaching the right audience: It can be difficult to reach the right audience and attract potential investors' attention.
  • Managing logistics: Managing a crowdfunding campaign requires time and commitment.
  • Maintaining commitment: It is important to keep supporters engaged and motivated throughout the campaign.

EvenFi: Your solution for successful crowdfunding

EvenFi simplifies the crowdfunding process and helps you overcome the most common challenges. Here are some of the ways EvenFi can help you:

  • Wide network of investors: EvenFi has a wide network of investors interested in supporting innovative projects.
  • Expert support: The EvenFi team provides expert support to help you create and manage your campaign.
  • Innovative technology: The EvenFi platform is easy to use and offers powerful features to help you reach your goals.


Crowdfunding is a powerful tool for turning your ideas into reality. With EvenFi as your partner, you can create a successful crowdfunding campaign and bring your project to life.

To learn more about EvenFi and how it can help you reach your crowdfunding goals, visit the website